DALLAS—January 18, 2013—Learning Forward is proud to announce a new initiative, Transforming Professional Learning to Prepare College- and Career-Ready Students: District, State, & Affiliate Networks, to strengthen the capacity of large urban school districts, state education agencies, and Learning Forward state affiliates to advance Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation through transformed professional learning systems.
The project is built upon Learning Forward’s successful Transforming Professional Learning to Prepare College- and Career-Ready Students: Implementing the Common Core initiative. Launched in 2011 and supported by Sandler Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MetLife Foundation, the project seeks to develop a comprehensive system of professional learning that spans the distance from the statehouse to the classroom and provides tools and resources to states and school systems as they work to implement CCSS and new assessments.
With support from lead funder Sandler Foundation, Learning Forward will extend the impact of the Transforming Professional Learning project to every state and large school system through a systematic investment in groups of educators in state departments of education, large school districts and Learning Forward state affiliates
“The Common Core standards, assessment systems, and model core teaching standards offer an exciting vision for public education, promising to accelerate our ability as a nation to meet our college- and work-ready goals for every student,” said Learning Forward executive director Stephanie Hirsh. “This project allows us to work with key state and district leaders to ensure the promise of these standards is realized through effective implementation that moves from the state and district level into the very fabric of schools.”
The goal of this new project is to improve student learning experiences in high-poverty schools and school districts by supporting application of findings from the ongoing statewide initiative and related resources, including the Meet the Promise of Content Standards series of issue briefs, to advance implementation of CCSS through these key networks.
Members will have the opportunity to interact within their network groups and across all three networks to receive bimonthly webinars focusing on free resources and tools; online communities to network and address problems of practice; technical assistance and coaching; face-to-face meetings; and virtual conferences.
Project participants receive a complimentary organizational membership in Learning Forward, access to an electronic library of resources and tools, the ability to build capacity across networks to collaboratively advance standards implementation through transformed professional learning systems, and an advanced understanding of comprehensive professional learning among education policy decision makers.
“The Common Core State Standards provide an opportunity for students to become critical thinkers and to have access to the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful future,” said Susan Sandler of the Sandler Foundation. We are proud to support efforts to make sure educators are provided with the tools and expertise to meet the challenge of the Common Core and accelerate the pace of student achievement nationwide.”