DALLAS, TX  3/17/2017

Stephanie Hirsh, executive director of Learning Forward, issued the following statement about the budget proposed by the Trump administration yesterday.

“The research is clear – effective leadership and teaching are essential to more students achieving at higher levels. Therefore, eliminating federal funding that is directly tied to supporting educator effectiveness will be incredibly damaging to the real progress we’re seeing in schools across the country.

“I believe that as a nation we share a common vision that all children deserve great teaching, regardless of their zip code. Cutting support for the educators who strive each day to meet the needs of students drastically undermines our ability to achieve that vision.

“With the proposed $2.3 billion cut in Title II, Part A, many of our schools will lose funding for coaches, professional learning, instructional support, and much more. Without Title II funds, many districts will not be able to help teachers, for example, to implement more rigorous curriculum that prepares students for college or careers. Without these funds, many districts will lose the ability to help principals address the myriad leadership challenges they confront daily. I hear every day about the real impact that districts experience because of such support, impact that reaches classrooms where our most vulnerable students sit.

“These proposed funding cuts will hit at the heart of teaching and learning in schools across the country. Our students and our communities deserve the best schools in the world, and our more than 3 million teachers in public schools alone deserve sustained support to do their important and difficult jobs.

“It’s important to recognize that ESSA was formed through bipartisan agreement about how to best support the nation’s schools. Preserving funding to develop excellent educators was an important part of that agreement. This budget proposal runs counter to the spirit and intention of that historic bipartisan agreement.

“As Congress moves forward with the budgeting process in the coming months, Learning Forward will work hand-in-hand with educators on the ground in schools to demonstrate the necessity of ongoing support for all educators.”

To speak with Stephanie Hirsh, call 972-421-0900 or email stephanie.hirsh@lfstage.xyz.