Webinar provides ground-level perspectives of investments & outcomes

April 11, 2024; 3-4pm ET


Federal Title II-A funding, the catalyst for educator recruitment, retention, and ongoing professional learning —all key elements for improving student outcomes —will be showcased in an upcoming professional learning session on Thursday, April 11.

Education leaders at the state and systems levels will outline results in their communities facilitated by investments from Title II-A dollars and how this funding supports their educators in attaining success in the classroom. They will share how these funds are utilized, the impact they make on students and educators, and what supports they feel are needed to help leaders make Title II-A dollars as effective as possible.

Frederick Brown, president and chief executive officer of Learning Forward, will moderate the conversation. Joining the session to report out on their Title II-A investment outcomes will be:

  • Paul Katnik, assistant commissioner, Office of Educator Quality, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Jana Beth Francis, assistant superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Daviess County Public Schools (KY)
  • Jamalya N. Jackson, executive director, Professional Learning, Hillsborough County Public Schools (FL)


The live-streamed event is hosted by Learning Forward, the leading professional learning organization in the country.

Title II, Part A, the Supporting Effective Instruction Grants program, is the most significant source of federal funding supporting professional learning for educators and leaders at the school, district, and state levels in activities such as instructional coaching, mentoring, and collaborative planning time. During the webinar this week, Learning Forward will define the key characteristics of high-quality professional learning proven to drive results for students and provide an update on the current funding status for Title II-A.

For pre-interviews and background conversations, contact Gail Paul, gail.paul@lfstage.xyz.