DALLAS—Dec. 6, 2012—Learning Forward announces the release of Standards Into Practice: School-based Roles, the first volume of a series that highlights Innovation Configuration (IC) maps for educators in 12 distinct roles in education who share responsibility for professional learning.
The first volume focuses on four school-based roles: teacher, teacher leader/coach, school leadership team, and principal. With support from MetLife Foundation, Learning Forward has developed the series as part of its efforts to help educators implement the Standards for Professional Learning.
Building on the long-standing Concerns-Based Adoption Model, Learning Forward constructed the IC maps to help educators clearly identify what practices tied to each of the seven standards lead to professional learning that results in improved student achievement. The maps also provide detailed steps toward achieving the highest level of implementation.
“The IC maps provide educators with a roadmap for translating the standards into precise actions,” says Stephanie Hirsh, Learning Forward’s Executive Director. “We are particularly thankful to MetLife Foundation for its generous support that has allowed Learning Forward to create products and services that help educators everywhere to realize the vision of the Standards for Professional Learning.”
“MetLife Foundation has a long-standing commitment to increasing student achievement in public schools through effective teaching and collaborative leadership,” said Dennis White, president and CEO of MetLife Foundation. “We recognize and support Learning Forward’s leadership in promoting high standards of professional learning and assuring successful implementation.”
The volumes containing IC maps for district-based roles and external roles will be released in 2013. The first volume is available for sale through our store; the IC maps for the teacher role are available for free download at Innovation Configurations light the way for deeper learning.