Dallas, Texas – March 22, 2018

Stephanie Hirsh, executive director of Learning Forward, issued the following statement about the budget agreement reached by Congress:


“We are thrilled that Congress has reached a bicameral spending agreement for Fiscal Year 2018 with level funding at $2.055 billion for Title IIA of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Title IIA funds are essential to educators at every level in schools, providing critical resources to help them improve teaching and learning for students. We appreciate that our federal legislators recognize the importance of supporting educators in their efforts to reach every student in their classrooms and buildings.


“Thank you to the Appropriations Subcommittee Chairs Representative Tom Cole (OK) and Senator Roy Blunt (MO) and Ranking Members Representative Rosa DeLauro (CT) and Senator Patty Murray (WA) for including these critical funds in today’s legislation. We can only achieve our aspirations for all students when we invest in educators for the long haul.


“We are particularly grateful to Learning Forward’s members and allies for making the case for the inclusion of Title IIA funding in this and future funding cycles. We’ve heard from hundreds of educators about the importance of Title IIA at the local level. We know that policymakers heard educators’ voices as they made their budgeting decisions.”


To speak with Stephanie Hirsh, call 972-421-0900 or email stephanie.hirsh@lfstage.xyz.