We need every voice!
Join us on May 15 for:
Title II-A National Day of Action
Title II-A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides direct federal funding for professional learning including coaching, mentoring, leadership development and developing teaching practice. Nearly every school district in the United States receives Title II funding to support the recruitment, preparation, development, and retention of excellent teachers and school leaders. This professional learning funding is critical for educators and students.
Despite the President once again proposing to eliminate funding for Title II-A, in early May, the House Appropriations Committee included a $2.555 billion funding level for the fiscal year 2020, which would be a $500 million increase over last year. (For most up-to-date actions, click here.) Now, the full House, the Senate and the President need to also support this much-needed increase in funding for a program that is critical to our nation\'s teachers, principals, school leaders, and the students they serve.
Participation is quick and easy!
- Send tweets! Click here for sample tweets to send on May 15. Be sure to include @LearningForward and the Twitter handles for your members of Congress.
- Email your members of Congress! Click here for a sample email. Please update the email to include information specific to your school, district and/or state. Please cc info@lfstage.xyz.
- Call your members of Congress! The phone number for the U.S. Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121. A script you can use is included here.
- Post on your Facebook page! Click here for sample Facebook posts.
- Share this information with your colleagues and networks. Quantity of voices is so important. Encourage everyone to take the steps above.
What members are saying
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