Upcoming Elections
The Learning Forward Board of Trustees hereby gives notice of a called election on proposed changes to Learning Forward’s bylaws. The organization’s bylaws, guidelines by which board members operate to ensure continuity and effective leadership, contain articles that guide membership structure, the role of voting members, and facets of board operations.
The Board proposes several changes to align Learning Forward’s bylaws with Ohio statute and standard contemporary practice for non-profit organizations and to streamline board governance to ensure the Board has flexibility and structures in place to respond promptly to an ever-changing education landscape.
RATIONALE (Article III): The board recommends dividing current membership into specified categories (required by law if there is a delineation between voting and non-voting members) to identify levels to enhance/encourage member engagement, giving persons reasonable points of entry that align with their interests, and to simplify the election process.
Change in membership structure identifying categories of member engagement (Article III):
- Expand membership to include those who have indicated interest in supporting Learning Forward’s purpose by signing up to receive Learning Forward’s free monthly newsletter. This category identifies our subscribers who do not receive benefits beyond receiving the newsletter or public access to the website. They do not pay dues to the association and are ineligible to become voting members.
- Current membership tiers and benefits for dues paying members will remain the same with this category of supporting members continuing to receive such benefits as access to The Learning Professional, members-only webinars, and member discounts, and can choose the option to become a voting member.
- Dues paying members who complete and submit a voter registration form move into the category of a voting member of the organization (e.g., for electing members of the Board of Trustees). Members may choose to register to vote at any time.
RATIONALE (ARTICLE V): Allows the Board greater flexibility in maintaining diversity, coherence and continuity of leadership.
Change in Board terms (Article V): New terms will allow Board members to serve for 1, 2, or 3 year terms, if needed. Limiting service by any individual to two consecutive or non-consecutive 3-year terms, unless elected to serve as a board officer which automatically extends service by three years, will remain.
RATIONALE (ARTICLE X): Currently, Learning Forward members vote on all bylaw amendments no matter how minimal which requires a special called election. This would simplify procedural changes and increase efficiency.
Changes related to amending bylaws (Article X):
- The Board proposes that the Board of Trustees would vote on bylaw amendments with the requirement of a two-thirds vote for passage. Any changes to bylaws would be posted on Learning Forward’s website.
Additional changes include:
- Updating current language within the bylaws to align with Ohio statutes and best practices.
- Updating current language to reflect the Board’s role as a governance body.
- Updating language related to the Board’s committee structure.
Read more in this summary table. The full details of bylaw changes can be accessed here.
- Members are encouraged to vote in the election between December 20, 2021 – January 28, 2022. Vote using the button below or by submitting this ballot via email to joel.reynolds@lfstage.xyz or by mail to Joel Reynolds, Board Administrator / Learning Forward / 800 E. Campbell Road, Suite 224 / Richardson, TX 75081.
- The Board of Trustees will hold a webinar on January 10, 2022, at 3 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. PT to offer an opportunity for members to ask questions about the proposed amendments. The webinar is open to all Learning Forward members. R.S.V.P. to joel.reynolds@lfstage.xyz if you plan to attend and the link will be sent to you.
- All members are hereby notified of the upcoming Learning Forward business meeting to be held on January 27, 2022, at 3 p.m. ET / 12 p.m. PT where members will also be given an opportunity to ask questions.
The Board of Trustees encourages and welcomes member engagement and questions any time. Please contact joel.reynolds@lfstage.xyz via email with your questions or comments.
Thank you for participating in this process.
John F. Kennedy
About the board of trustees
Becoming a board member
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Need help?
Joel Reynolds
Board Administrator
800 E. Campbell Rd.
Suite 224
Richardson, TX 75081