Joellen Killion
Joellen Killion ( is a senior advisor to Learning Forward.
All Articles
Teachers leading: Teachers can sell communities on professional learning's value
Community views of proÂfessional development often depend on how teachers and support staff talk about their professional learning and how school and district leaders and school boards characterize it. Read how teacher leaders can use their voices to advocate for their colleagues and students within their communities. -
Teachers leading: Teamwork is not enough
Despite the investment of time in teacher team meetings, an essential step of the core work is often neglected -- learning. Learn how to use the cycle of continuous improvement to ensure professional learning on multiple levels. -
Teachers leading: NSDC is Learning Forward
Changing our name from NSDC to Learning Forward provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of names -- for both Learning Forward and those in teacher leader roles. Consider several actions that encourage educators to examine and recommit to teacher leadership. -
Focus on NSDC's standards: Quality teaching is a tapestry of skills
The Quality Teaching standard focuses a laser beam on the importance of professional development for integrating content knowledge, instruction, and assessment. -
Focus on NSDC's standards: Learning communities can motivate us
Read how thriving learning communities play a role in the three motivators that drive educators to succeed. Killion explores how lessons from Daniel Pink's latest book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, apply to school-based teams. -
Focus on NSDC's standards: Create a supportive environment for all
As teacher leaders strive to help their colleagues meet NSDCs Equity standard, a key consideration is creating a safe learning environment. Step through five elements of establishing an environment for learning, with discussion questions to examine in each. -
The changing role of central office staff: Administrators provide a crucial link to learning resources
The changing role of central office staff: Administrators provide a crucial link to learning resources By Joellen Killion , Pat Roy -
Focus on NSDC's standards: Educator learning keeps evolving
In exploring NSDC's learning standard, Killion travels through time to detail how professional development has changed and outlines the importance of considering different levels of learning for different purposes. -
Focus on NSDC's standards: Keep an eye on learning investments
NSDC's Resources standard states: Staff development that improves the learning of all students requires resources to support adult learning and collaboration. Coaches and teacher leaders can play a critical role in monitoring and measuring the impact of how precious professional development resources are spent.