Stephanie Hirsh
Stephanie Hirsh retired in June 2019 after 31 years with Learning Forward, an international association of more than 13,000 educators committed to increasing student achievement through effective professional learning. Hirsh led the organization as its executive director for the last 13 years where she presented, published, and consulted on Learning Forward’s behalf across North America. Her books include Becoming a Learning Team, co-authored with Tracy Crow (Learning Forward, 2018), Becoming a Learning System, co-authored with Kay Psencik and Frederick Brown (Learning Forward, 2018); A Playbook for Professional Learning: Putting the Standards Into Action, co-authored with Shirley Hord (Learning Forward, 2012); and The Learning Educator: A New Era for Professional Learning, co-authored with Joellen Killion (NSDC, 2007). Hirsh wrote a column for The Learning Professional, Learning Forward’s bimonthly magazine, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, The Record, The School Administrator, American School Board Journal, The High School Magazine, and Education Week. Hirsh has served on a number of advisory boards including Learning First Alliance, 2-Rev, Digital Promise, the University of Texas College of Education, and The Teaching Channel. She served three terms as a school board trustee in the Richardson (TX) Independent School District. She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Staff Development Council, Master Trustee from the Texas School Board Association, and was named a Distinguished Alumna by the University of North Texas.
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Call To Action
Research has shown that effective collaboration results in higher levels of learning and performance by educators and students. Yet we also know that merely setting aside time and room for teams to work together does not guarantee these benefits. So what are the essential elements of effective collaboration? Many of […] -
Annual Conference: 3,000 educators with 1 shared purpose
We are heading into the most exciting part of the year for Learning Forward. This is the week we head to Orlando, Florida, for our Annual Conference. We look forward to greeting 3,000 educators who are committed to ensuring great teaching and learning for every child every day. While we're together, […] -
Learning leaders share responsibility for all students
What does it look like to create a compelling teacher leadership agenda at the school or district level? This is a question I've been hearing a lot lately, and I'm glad. It shows that school systems and schools are recognizing the importance of sharing responsibility for all students and leadership […] -
Crises demand never-fail support for educators
Yesterday I was horrified to wake to the news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas. We mourn for the loss of so many lives. When I hear about this on top of the ongoing recovery efforts from the hurricanes in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas, I think always about […] -
Tying It All Together
The learning team cycle as described in Becoming a Learning Team by Stephanie Hirsh and Tracy Crow was created to support teams of teachers working on particular lessons and instructional challenges within classrooms. Even as the day-to-day work of classroom teaching continues, educators are also responsible for addressing improvement goals […] -
Call To Action
As part of my participation in the Redesign PD Partnership, I had the opportunity to learn from Brian Dassler, an amazing educator and deputy chancellor in the Florida Department of Education. Dassler, who died suddenly in March, advocated for a deep appreciation of the complexity of teaching. He challenged us […] -
Speak up for your right to learn every day
Dear colleagues: Welcome to the 2017-18 school year -- which I hope is not referred to in future years as the year professional development died. I know you have so much on your plate as you look toward this new school year: the students whose futures are in your hands, […] -
Teacher survey provides a benchmark for schools and systems in the U.S.
In partnership with Corwin and NEA, we've just released results from a survey of teachers responding to questions about the professional learning they experience. In The State of Teacher Professional Learning, we highlight findings and recommendations based on the responses of more than 6,300 teachers. More than 35 states have adopted or […] -
Call To Action
It should be easy for states that have adopted Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning to ensure that federal dollars used for professional development meet the new definition in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). While both documents are presented differently, fundamentally they address the same points — and they […] -
Make the connection between Learning Forward's standards and ESSA
It should be easy for states that have adopted Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning to ensure that federal dollars used for professional development meet the new definition in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). While both documents are presented differently, fundamentally they address the same points -- and they […]