Learning Forward Blog
Seeing teaching through video
By Learning Forward |
By: Yvonne Godber As a trainer and evaluator working on video-based professional development resources at Teachstone (a company founded by Professors Pianta and Hamre at the University of Virginia), I was so excited to attend my first Learning Forward conference in Dallas in December. Given my interest in strategically using video with teachers and coaches to drive…
Top 10 Learning Forward tweets of 2018
By Ariel Durham |
To bring in the new year, we collected the top 10 most-liked tweets and reposted them during the weeks leading up to New Year’s Day. The list below gives you insight into what topics our followers were interested in the most in 2018. Follow #Top10tweets2018 to view the tweets on Twitter. Topic: Theory of change…
Call for Proposals, Annual Conference 2019
By Learning Forward |
Gateway To Success: Our Learning. Their Future. How are you creating and sustaining equity and excellence in teaching and learning every day? Share your expertise with educators from around the world. Submit a proposal to present at Learning Forward’s 2019 Annual Conference in St. Louis, December 7-11, 2019. Our Annual Conference offers education leaders and…
Congratulations to educators in Office!
By Melinda George |
By Melinda George Every educator is an advocate, and many are now serving as elected policymakers, with at least one former teacher going to Washington, D.C., to serve in the 116th Congress. Learning Forward couldn’t be prouder. Learning Forward is celebrating the electoral victories of more than 40 educators, including Jahana Hayes, the 2016 U.S….
A vision for equity in schools starts at the top
By Alan Ingram |
Hey, that’s not fair!” It’s a credo repeated righteously on play scapes or amongst young siblings regularly. Unfair treatment, even at that early age, stirs a visceral reaction no matter who’s involved. And while the consequences of inequitable treatment may be as benign as an extra turn on the swing or a more lenient bedtime,…
The impact of a new teacher and mentoring framework on teacher retention
By Learning Forward |
By Susan Thompson As the new school year begins, principals and school districts are looking at ways to provide support to the new teachers that were hired over the summer. The key to a school’s success is not only selecting an outstanding team of educators to lead school improvement efforts, but also, the ability to…