Learning Forward recently commissioned a study on the state of professional learning in Canada. Read more from Stephanie Hirsh about the important professional learning lessons that can be gleaned from this report.
Learning Forward has been working with the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future for years. Now, our two organizations are combining to take this collaboration to the next level. Read more from Stephanie Hirsh and Melinda George about how we are going to make a greater positive impact together.
Through Coaches Academy, your coaches develop skills related to building relationships, leading professional learning, coaching individuals and teams of educators, and solving their real-world challenges. Learn more about the Coaches Academy through this FAQ with two of Learning Forward’s senior consultants.
Professional learning plans are the navigation systems that support educator and student learning. Read more about the benefits of a structured plan from Learning Forward Senior Consultant Terry Morganti-Fisher.
The New York City Department of Education is focusing on measuring the impact of professional learning for teachers and other educators in the district. Implementing the tools of improvement science has given the district a concrete plan for tracking progress.
The Learning Forward Foundation scholarships and grants encourage educators to pursue their professional learning dreams. Win a scholarship or grant with the help of these five tips to help you through the application process.