Beginning with the February 2017 issue, the journal of Learning Forward will be known as The Learning Professional. We will continue to produce several stories around a topic, focus, or theme. However, we have added space to run a variety of stories in each issue that are non-thematic. Now, we welcome your submissions on all professional learning topics at any time! Please see 2017 manuscript deadline dates below for upcoming issues.
Theme: Professional Learning in Special Education
Manuscript deadline: October 15
Issue: April 2018
Owing largely to quantum leaps in mental health research and treatment, special education curriculum and teaching has become much more specialized in the past few decades. Keeping up with the latest innovation and applying them to professional learning is a daunting but crucial task. We’re looking for the latest stories on practical application of special education research and innovation in all applicable professional learning areas, including:
Learning Forward prefers to receive articles electronically. Send inquiries or manuscripts to Christy Colclasure at