Title II-A Day of Action
Set up a reminder now! May 22 is a #TitleIIA Day of Action. We are asking all Learning Forward stakeholders to reach out to their members of Congress on May 22.
Set up a reminder now! May 22 is a #TitleIIA Day of Action. We are asking all Learning Forward stakeholders to reach out to their members of Congress on May 22.
A Learning Forward Book Club discussion with Lindsay Prendergast and Piper Lee, authors of Habits of Resilient Educators: Strategies for Thriving During Times of Anxiety, Doubt, and Constant Change. Exclusively for Learning Forward comprehensive members. Authors Lindsay Prendergast and Piper Lee will facilitate a conversation about how the habits described in the book support educators’ efficacy, […]
Curriculum-based professional learning – October 2024 High-quality curricula and instructional materials are essential for students to master content and meet academic standards, but they are not enough on their own. Teachers and leaders need and deserve professional learning to support deep understanding and high-quality implementation of the materials. This issue will take a deep dive […]
Building bridges – December 2024 Meaningful professional learning doesn’t happen in isolation, nor does it occur at a single moment in time. It requires an ongoing continuum of support and a long-term plan that includes multiple stakeholders and systems. This issue will look at why and how bridge-building is essential for professional learning to achieve […]
Save the date: An exclusive opportunity to talk with author Fenesha Hubbard about her book, The Equity Expression, Six Entry Points for Nonnegotiable Academic Success. This is a unique chance for Learning Forward comprehensive members to: Discuss equity work and understand how to make equity a practice. Learn about the six entry points for equity: […]
At Learning Forward, we go beyond the usual lectures and anecdotes of other conferences with in-session engagement strategies that are focused on deep and meaningful learning that is evidence-supported and proven to change practice. We are THE conference for learning about educator professional learning.