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President Trump’s Proposed Budget Bankrupts Support for Educators
Stephanie Hirsh responds to the Trump administration's budget proposal and outlines how eliminating Title II funds will harm educators' ability to serve all students.
Statement of K-12 Principals’ and Education Leaders’ Groups on Trump Administration’s Proposed FY17 Appropriations Cuts
American Federation of School Administrators, ASCD, Learning Forward, National Association of Elementary School Principals, and National Association of Secondary School Principals issued a joint statement in response to the Trump Administration's proposed cuts to Title IIA funds in the FY17 budget.
President Trump’s Proposed Budget Eliminates Critical Support for Educators
DALLAS, TX 3/17/2017 Stephanie Hirsh, executive director of Learning Forward, issued the following statement about the budget proposed by the Trump administration yesterday. “The research is clear – effective leadership […]
Learning Forward and Frontline Research & Learning Institute Launch Collaborative Study on Impact of Professional Learning
For Learning Forward Tracy Crow 972-421-0900 For Frontline Research & Learning Institute Learning Forward and Frontline Research & Learning Institute Launch Collaborative Study on Impact of Professional Learning Boston […]
Learning Forward and NCTAF Announce Merger to Provide Stronger Support for the Nation’s Teachers and Students
Learning Forward and the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future (NCTAF) are excited to announce they are merging and will operate under the Learning Forward banner moving forward.
Re-imagining the Learning Forward journal
Learning Forward’s journal is undergoing a redesign and improvement process. One major change will be the name of the magazine. JSD will become The Learning Professional.
Findings from a Study of Educators’ Professional Learning in Canada Released Today
Coinciding with Learning Forward’s 2016 Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Learning Forward today releases the findings from a new study, The State of Educators’ Professional Learning in Canada. Accompanying the study is a call to action by Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves.
New Study Will Examine Professional Learning in Canada
In collaboration with Canadian researchers and education stakeholders, Learning Forward announces that it has launched a research study examining the state of professional learning across Canada. The purpose of the study is to understand the current landscape of educator professional learning throughout Canada and to advance a priority focus on the elements of and conditions for effective professional learning in Canada and across the world.
Learning Forward and NCTAF Name 12 Finalist Teams in Agents for Learning Challenge
Learning Forward and the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future (NCTAF) today announced 12 finalists in its Agents for Learning challenge, a nationwide call to action designed to engage educator teams in advocating for the best use of federal funding for professional learning under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Learning Forward statement on the ESSA draft regulations from the U.S. Department of Education
Learning Forward is pleased to see that the draft regulations for ESSA implementation from the U.S. Department of Education include a requirement for consolidated state plans to describe states’ systems for educator development, retention, and advancement, including how the state will “ensure that each LEA has and is implementing a system of professional growth and improvement for teachers, principals, and other school leaders….”