Search Result (2487)
Finding The Sweet Spot
Earlier this year, I engaged in professional learning with a group of elementary school teachers. We were investigating Madagascar hissing cockroaches and how they behave under different conditions. T..
Agents For Learning Competition Spurs Teacher Engagement In ESSA
Learning Forward and the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future (NCTAF) are hosting a competition that invites teachers to submit written proposals for the best use of federal fundin..
Changes In Coaching Study Design Shed Light On How Features Impact Teacher Practice
What The Study Says Teacher coaching is a powerful form of professional learning that improves teaching practices and student achievement, yet little is known about the spec..
Differentiating the Flipped Classroom Eric Carbaugh and Kristina Doubet, associat..
Are You Professional Learning Literate?
I didn’t realize until recently that people use the term wine literacy — that is, being able to talk knowledgeably about the fundamentals of wine or being able to read a wine. The idea makes sense..
The power of teacher agency
It may be a well-worn trope, but for many educators, the problem with professional learning really is a modern example of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” On the one hand, school leaders need pro..
The View From The Principal's Office
Educational leaders understand their role in creating a schoolwide goal of continuous learning for teachers and students. They know the importance of identifying and providing the resources and profes..
Dive Into The Deep End
The Internet has opened new avenues for professional learning design — especially the use of text and video to extend learning and create opportunities for the social construction of knowledge. W..
Delicate Layers Of Learning
For middle and high school teachers facing the challenge of implementing the Common Core State Standards, disciplinary literacy instruction is a critical element — and one for which many are unprepa..