Search Result (2487)
Variations On A Theme
These days, there is a lot of talk in schools. There are conversations about research-based practices, authentic assessments, accountability, effective evaluation, standardized tests, and much more. I..
Focus First On Outcomes
“We’re trying to determine what to do to gain expertise in developing students’ understanding of fractions,†3rd-grade teacher Jose said to the teachers in his professional learning community...
Annual Conference Opens The Door To Possibilities
There’s been a lot of talk lately about all the money wasted on professional development. Critics would have us believe that very little of what is labeled as professional learning is worth the inve..
Brainstormers welcome. By Tracy Crow This issue’s focus on the insights, thought leaders, and promising work in progress in the field that will be featured at Learning Forwardâ..
Book Club
By Eric C. Sheninger UnCommon Learning provides a process for schools to integrate digital media and new applications with purpose and build a culture of learning with p..
Advanced Offers Learning School Designation
AdvancED and Learning Forward are partnering to offer schools committed to providing quality professional development for their staff an opportunity to earn a Learning School Designation. The desig..
Let's Raise Our Voices Together
Over the past 30-plus years, I have attended many education conferences for different reasons. Now, as president of Learning Forward, I find I have an entirely new perspective on their potential value..
Art Sale Benefits Learning Forward Foundation
The Learning Forward Foundation will host a new fundraising event at Learning Forward’s Annual Conference in December. Called ScholARTship 2015, the event will showcase student and adult artwork, fo..
Researchers Pinpoint Factors That Influence Teachers’ Responses To Data
Coaches and professional learning communities influence how teachers respond to data and how they use data to change delivery of instruction — that is, reorganizing how students acquire knowledge an..
Shadowing is the process of following a student or educator through one day, part of a day, or longer, experiencing what that person experiences for the purpose of professional learning. Educators, in..