Search Result (2487)
Teacher Evaluation The New York State United Teachers led teams from six districts in researching and designing a teacher evaluation system that includes ..
What Research Tells Us
Today’s education policy places a high priority on improving teacher quality and teaching effectiveness in U.S. schools (Obama, 2009). Standards-based professional learning requires teachers to have..
Capture The Human Side of Learning
We recently asked more than 500 teachers and administrators, “Why should we put faces on data?” That is, how do we capture the human side of learning? One teacher said playfully, “Because they ..
From The Director
Some educators pause with anxiety when they hear the word “innovation.” They have been involved in too many pilot projects or worked with people who were innovation magnets embracing new ideas fo..
Tapping Technology’s Potential: Shrinking budgets, looming standards, and a dizzying array of innovations are changing the professional learning landscape. ..
Ambitious Goals Highlight The Important — And Difficult — Tasks That Lie Ahead
Peter Senge, an internationally recognized thought leader, defines a learning organization as a place “where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where ..
Robert Tess Named Learning Forward’s Director of Marketing
Robert Tess, a veteran of marketing in for-profit and nonprofit organizations, is Learning Forward’s new director of marketing. In this role, Tess is responsible for marketing the Learning Forward ..
Workbook Assesses Policies
A new workbook will assist states and districts in conducting a self-guided review of professional learning policies. Professional Learning Policy Review: A Workbook for States and Districts, a Le..
Networks Focus On Common Core
Building on its Transforming Professional Learning initiative, Learning Forward has launched a new project that will establish three key networks to strengthen educators’ capacity to implement Commo..
Book Club
The Skillset Team Leader A Resource for Overcoming Hurdles to Professional Learning for Student Achievement By Elisa MacDonald All teams face hurdles. What dist..