Search Result (2487)
Professional learning's impact comes from alignment across subjects, grades, and buildings
When we talk about teacher evaluation through the Learning Forward lens, our goal is that standards-based professio..
Integrating individual professional learning into comprehensive learning systems
When individual professional learning is introduced as a component of reformed teacher evaluation systems, it simultaneously becomes a part of a district professional learning plan. As a result, it is..
Measurement makeover
Hillsborough County (Fla.) Public Schools had a concern. A review in 2008 of teacher evaluations in the district found that more than 99% of the 12,000 teachers were rated satisfactory or outstanding,..
Vulnerability is power in leadership and relationships
 Every family has its stories, its inside jokes. One of my family’s is that, no matter what question someone asks of me, my answer is frequently, “I don..
The elements of effective teaching
Student success depends on effective teaching— not just occasionally, but every day in every classroom and school. Effective teaching impacts students’ academic, physical, socialemotional, and beh..
What makes a good teacher?
Phillips: Great teachers are the most important school-based ingredient for student success. So we’re committed to ensuring teachers have the supports and tools they need to continually impro..
Lessons from D.C.'s evaluation system
As a nation, we are changing the way we evaluate teachers, moving from a patchwork of weak and haphazard approaches to whole data-driven systems with dramatically high stakes. From Memphis to Chicago ..
The ability to value diversity requires extensive, ongoing learning experiences
Culturally proficient educators continuously assess school policies, systems, and procedures to determine if they favor some groups over others. When educators discover inequities, they transform the ..
Professional learning’s impact comes from alignment across subjects, grades, and buildings
When we talk about teacher evaluation through the Learning Forward lens, our goal is that standards-based professional learning will provide the context for how school and district leaders respond to ..
No more excuses — Let’s get busy with the challenges at hand
 Today we know more than ever about what constitutes effective teaching and how we can ensure more students leave their K-12 education career- and college-r..