Search Result (2487)
Very little of the professional development literature identifies its costs. Many say good professional development is expensive, but what is meant by expensive, and if so, expensive relative to what?..
Learning communities
 Learning communities are best defined as “ongoing groups … who meet regularly for the purposes of increasing their own learning and that of their stude..
Learning Designs
Designers reside mostly in school districts and schools and can have primary assignments of all sorts. In many districts, central office personnel are most visible on design committees, but teachers, ..
Districts can take a powerful first step by adopting the new Standards for Professional Learning
We’re so proud that we’ve  just released the Standards for Professional Learning. The previous version of st..
One indisputable finding from our years of research on what it takes to conduct successful change in schools and co..
Forge a commitment to authentic professional learning
All work to improve the quality of profes- sional development must begin with one simple assumption: Teaching is an..
Content-focused learning improves teacher practice and student results
Content focus and coherence are fundamental to professional devel- opment that helps teachers boost student learnin..
From the editor
We released our new Standards for Professional Learning a month ago and are so excited to share them with members and the field.You’ll read in these pages about why we published new standards,why no..
MetLife Foundation supports standards
Learning Forward has received a $500,000 grant from MetLife Foundation to disseminate and implement its newly revis..
New Standards put the spotlight on professional learning
Today’s educators work under tre- mendous pressure. They are held a..