Search Result (2487)
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Do alternatively certified teachers need different supports?
With teacher shortages plaguing schools across the country, districts and states are trying a range of approaches to fill the gaps. Many are looking to alternative certification programs, hiring teach..
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: New pathways to teaching break down barriers
In Colorado’s St. Vrain Valley Schools, we knew we needed a new way to recruit and train teachers. In recent years, we have been experiencing a decline in the number of new teachers and teacher cand..
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Mentors give new teachers a sense of belonging
Being new in a job can be one of the loneliest times in a new teacher’s life. Research shows that feelings of isolation and a lack of ​​collaborative relationships can push teachers to leave the..
What do YOU need to learn from ME?
Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa is an expert in neuroscience and the science of learning, and the founder of Connections: The Learning Sciences Platform, which provides evidence-based support for educators i..
Action steps for implementing Standards for Professional Learning
Standards for Professional Learning set the vision for high-quality professional learning by defining the content, processes, and conditions that lead to great teaching and learning for all students a..
Plan, but be prepared to pivot
The last couple of years have brought unprecedented challenges to us all, especially to the dedicated educators who lead and teach our children. For all educators, change has been constant and the iss..
Through the lens
Through the lens of Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning. ..
No principal is an island
School principals are a vital but sometimes overlooked ingredient in education reform. Principals are schools’ chief improvement officers — leaders uniquely positioned to strengthen classroom inst..
Study explores mentoring’s connection to new teacher retention
Throughout the summer, Learning Forward members have shared with us their stories of teacher vacancies in schools and districts, reminding us that the question of how to keep teachers in the classroom..
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: 5 reasons we will always be educators
We have all heard the alarming statistics about the number of educators who are thinking of leaving the profession. As coordinators of the North Dakota Teacher Support System, which supports and retai..