Search Result (2487)
Leadership webinar
Webinar shares leadership research Frederick Brown, Learning Forward’s incoming CEO, recently facilitated a webinar organized by The Wallace Foundation to share new research abou..
Learning opportunities open
Coaches Academy opens July 21 Learning Forward’s Virtual Coaches Academy will launch a new cohort on July 21. This 12-week virtual academy provides instruction and practice opp..
Foundation scholarships
The Learning Forward Foundation has named its 2022 scholarship and grant award winners. Dale Hair Affiliate Grant Learning Forward Ontario: Co-chairs Laura Callaghan a..
Assessing with heart
Ours is a nation obsessed with assessment. We assess our students continuously, and while it is a very good thing to establish accountability and to see how things are going, constant assessment also ..
Immersion in writing
Ruth Devlin has been teaching young writers for 15 years, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. The books her 2nd graders have written fill their classroom library, a testimony to her skill and de..
Where to start when everything feels urgent
For those who support teachers, it can feel like there are myriad urgent needs, especially when educators are stretched thin and students are struggling, as many are now. How do you prioritize your su..
Coaches, we see you
It’s difficult to find reliable data about the number of educators employed as instructional coaches. Part of the challenge is that coaches have a wide variety of job titles and responsibilities. Le..
Becoming a teacher again made me a better coach
At the start of the 2020-21 school year, six months after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic changed all our lives, I and the other instructional coaches in my district were temporarily reassigned to ..
Strengths-based coaching supports teachers during COVID
Two years after the onset of the pandemic, COVID-19 continues to take a toll on educators’ morale and well-being. Educators’ needs for sick and bereavement leaves have increased, staffing and subs..