Search Result (2487)
Put antiracist commitments into action
As racial violence in America took on an international focus in summer 2020, many began to make pledges and statements against racism. As an antiracist educator, I asked myself and those I work with: ..
The Title IIA equity multiplier
 Learning Forward’s Professional Learning State and District Planner ( is a guide ..
Through the lens
 Many of the articles in this issue of The Learning Professional demonstrate Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning in action. Use ..
Program inspires students’ civic engagement
It is a longstanding goal of schools to educate individuals to participate in a democratic society. But recent events, including the storming of the U.S. Capitol and disinformation campaigns around th..
Data points
1,000+ active microcredentials New America reviewed the landscape of educator microcredentials, defined as “a verification of a discrete skill or competency that a teacher has de..
How to foster hope in tough times
At the beginning of every new year, I create a playlist for my friends filled with music that brings me joy. I call it my happy list. This year, as I chose my songs, I realized that a theme was emergi..
Support teachers or challenge them? We can do both
Traditionally we welcome each new year as a fresh start, and many of us looked forward to 2021 with that same sense of hope, albeit more guarded than usual. Then, the insurrection at the Capitol on Ja..
Equity isn’t just a word — it’s an action
As an antiracist educator, I support colleagues in affective learning spaces to engage in critical self-reflection to create schools that are safe and supportive for students, staff, and families rega..
President Biden, here’s what educators need now
As the new U.S presidential administration takes shape, we at Learning Forward have hope and confidence that President Biden and Vice President Harris’ leadership will mean great progress for every ..
‘You can’t stay in the now.’
Wendy Robinson became president of the Learning Forward board of trustees in December 2020. She spoke with The Learning Professional about her path in education and her hopes for the futu..