Carmen Concepcion
Carmen Concepcion has been an educator for 25 years. She currently serves as area superintendent in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools where she supervises and coaches 16 principals and schools. In 2018, she opened a new Dual Language Immersion School in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte East Language Academy. She has been committed to high achievement for Title I schools throughout her career, leading the highest performing Title I school in the district for six consecutive years and winning state recognition. Concepcion has coached beginning principals through the Wallace Foundation Principal Pipeline initiative for six years. She is certified as an NAESP National Principal Mentor and is a Columbia University 2018 Cahn Fellow (Cahn Fellows Program for Distinguished Principals).
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Setting the standard for school success: The power of the principalship
School principals play an essential role in the successful development of the students and educators in their buildings. This webinar will focus on the role of leadership in the revised Standards for Professional Learning and the corresponding strategies, tools, and tangible ideas at the school and system levels that develop […]