Nick Morgan
Nick Morgan ( is senior program director for Learning Forward.
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Practical measures tell us if change is making a difference
Change is hard. Whether baking bread or implementing a new high-quality curriculum, our first attempts at trying something new often don’t turn out the way we envisioned. This is why continuous improvement initiatives have become popular — they help us learn to get better at getting better. Learning Forward’s work […] -
At the outset of network and improvement design, consider who it is truly meant to help
Learning Forward’s 2023 Annual Conference highlighted a theme of “Evidence into Action.” Not coincidentally, some of the featured conference speakers and sessions could easily be reframed as the reverse: “Action into Evidence” as we seek greater opportunities to generate rigorous research on effectiveness. Perhaps even more accurately, “How to drive […] -
A new network for a changed world
Among the things we’ll remember about the year 2020 are phrases like “You’re still on mute” and “Can I share my screen?” They are emblematic of how educators have been challenged to navigate uncharted waters of remote learning and overnight technological adaptation. To quote another phrase that we’ll remember as […] -
Network uses improvement science to scale up change
If you were given the opportunity to design a new way to drive positive change in public education policy and practice at scale, what would you do? How would you seek new solutions that bridge the gaps between research and practice? If you’re like many education stakeholders, you might grapple […] -
Change management is key to successful implementation
When implementing a new initiative to help teachers, what really makes a new technology or resource stick? Learning Forward's recent report, Beyond Barriers: Encouraging Teacher Use of Feedback Resources, looks at the value of investing in change management processes to aid in the adoption and use of new tools. We […] -
Pull together: Engage all stakeholders for project success
Pull together: Engage all stakeholders for project success. -
LEAP program at DC Public Schools assures coherence and relevance in teacher growth
Washington DC Public Schools (DCPS) has received a lot of national attention for its human capital policies, and the results have been impressive. In recent years the district implemented its innovative IMPACT teacher evaluation system, introduced performance-based compensation, added significantly to teacher curricular supports, invested heavily in teacher recruitment including shifting […]