Shirley Hord
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How can PLCs improve their learning power?
A team of 4th- and 5th-grade teachers sent me a list of resolutions the group made to improve the performance of its professional learning community (PLC). After reading the resolutions, I realized they are great tips for all educators wanting to improve the learning within their PLC. I'd like to […] -
How professional learning communities benefit students and teachers
The primary purpose and function of the professional learning community is the continuous professional learning of its members. Why is this? The most influential factor in whether students learn well is quality teaching. Research and common sense tell us that continuous and sustained adult learning enhances quality teaching. What are […] -
What is an authentic professional learning community?
Shirley Hord, Learning Forward's scholar laureate, has focused her career on research about and practice of effective professional learning communities. Here she answers an educator's question about professional learning communities. Q: While my school district says it is committed to professional learning communities, I am not sure what they mean […] -
A Playbook For Data
The Story: A District Learns to Interpret Data Karl Kline was a school improvement field consultant for a regional educational service center. He had spent 10 years in this capacity after two decades as a successful principal and administrator in mid- to larger-sized districts in his state. He was respected […] -
Professional learning communities
We can all agree that the purpose of schools is student learning, and that the most significant factor in whether students learn well is teaching quality. Further, teaching quality is improved through continuous professional learning. The context most supportive of the learning of professionals is the professional learning community (Hord […] -
Evolution of the professional learning community
Let’s start with the basics. People everywhere generally agree that the purpose of schools is student learning. Further, people are generally in agreement that the most significant factor determining whether students learn well is teaching quality. Teaching quality is improved through continuous professional learning. Today, the most promising context for […] -
Learn in community with others
In professions such as medicine and law, members are expected to review the journals of their field and to attend conferences. They observe each other’s work, offering feedback that leads to increased professional effectiveness. They also are expected to examine and explore new methods and approaches to their work. Professionals, according to […]