Learning Forward Blog
By Learning Forward |
Learning Forward’s definition of professional learning is included in the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Twists and Turns on the Road to Where I Am Today
By Deborah Jackson |
People who know Deborah Jackson, Learning Forward board of trustees president, know how passionate she is about education. In this post, she reflects on how her path has not always been predictable and shares a few of the more surprising moments in her life as a learning leader.
Instructional Leadership Team from Braulio Alonso High School Receives Learning Forward’s 2015 Shirley Hord Learning Team Award
By Learning Forward |
Learning Forward and Corwin announce the Instructional Leadership Team from Braulio Alonso School in Tampa, Florida, as the winner of the 2015 Shirley Hord Learning Team Award. This award is given annually to a team of teachers that demonstrates Learning Forward’s definition of professional learning in action.
5 remodeling tips for educator learning
By Lisa Casto |
No matter our focus—whether tech integration or student success or cultural competency, the research of Shirley Hord and Michael Fullan tells us that the same remodeling steps will support our change in education. See if these steps are part of your district or campus-remodeling plan.
Emerging lessons from the science of learning
By Laurie Calvert |
Emerging evidence around how students learn is so dynamic that thoughtful educators must continually recalibrate their teaching and hone their practice just to keep up with the latest scientific learning research.
5 things school leaders do that make a big difference for teachers
By Stephanie Hirsh |
Research has confirmed many times that leadership is second only to teaching in influencing student achievement. What do system and school leaders do that teachers value most and identify as most helpful in their efforts to ensure high-quality literacy and standards-based instruction for all students?
The gift that keeps on giving
By Joellen Killion |
Nearly four years ago, Learning Forward launched Transforming Professional Learning, an initiative to support educator learning for implementation of Common Core standards. Several professional associations partnered with Learning Forward to achieve the initiative’s goals and generate more than 15 products that continue to inform efforts in numerous states and districts across the nation.
How professional learning communities benefit students and teachers
By Shirley Hord |
The primary purpose and function of the professional learning community is the continuous professional learning of its members. Why is this? The most influential factor in whether students learn well is quality teaching. Research and common sense tell us that continuous and sustained adult learning enhances quality teaching. What are educators in a professional learning community learning?
Let’s raise our voices together
By Deborah Jackson |
Over the past 30-plus years, Deborah Jackson has attended many education conferences. In this blog post, she reflects on how her conference needs have changed along with her roles as she moved from teacher to principal to learning administrator, and finally to her role as president of Learning Forward’s board of trustees.
How policy can strengthen the principalship
By Frederick Brown |
At a School Leadership Preparation and Development Network Conference, Paul Manna talked about his recently released Wallace Foundation-commissioned study, Developing Excellent School Principals to Advance Teaching and Learning: Considerations for State Policy. Manna’s report addresses several questions, including: What can policymakers do to help ensure that schools have excellent principals and advance teaching and learning for their students?