Search Result (2487)
Strength Training
Bob Bender had been teaching for only three years when in 2005 he was tapped as principal of P.S. 11, a struggling elementary school in New York City. Many might have called his hiring foolish. After ..
Leadership Through Learning
Q&A with Anthony Muhammad SD: Tell us how your beliefs about teaching and learning took shape over the course of your trajectory as a leader. Muhammad:..
Leader Voices
More than a decade of school leadership research from The Wallace Foundation highlights not only the critical role of the principal but also the practices that effective school leaders undertake. A re..
Up Close
Principals and the Common Core In a newly published brief from Learning Forward, Meet the Promise of Content Standards: The Principal, Joellen Killion explores the ..
Global Outlook Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators OECD, 2012 Governments should increase ..
Boomers and Millennials — Vive La Différence
Teacher beliefs have a profound impact on instructional practice. According to Pajares (1992), beliefs determine how much effort a teacher puts forth and how long he or she will persist in the face of..
A Step In The Right Direction
In a private room at the back of a busy restaurant just outside of Tampa, Fla., drinks and appetizers went unnoticed as 12 diners sat around one large table and engaged in multiple rapid-fire conversa..
Wrestling With Data
As facilitator, I noted some trepidation in the room as the eight secondary principals from Eugene (Ore.) School District 4J quietly discussed questions that surfaced through their hopes and fears exe..
From The Director
Planning for effective professional learning proceeds in this sequence: What do students need to know and be able to do to achieve? Given that information, what knowledge and skills do educators need?..