Search Result (2487)
The Sweet Spot in Professional Learning: When student learning goals and educator performance standards align, everything is possible. By Joellen Killion and Jacqueline Kennedy ..
Tools for Learning Schools A common question many educators ask about the Standards for Professional Learning is, “Where do I start?” It can b..
Meet a Game Changer
Chidley Recipient Confronts Challenges in Rural Alaska Game changers are visionaries — dreamers and innovators with ideas that make a difference. Tonio Verzone, a recipient of the 2012 Chi..
Book Club
Schools Can Change: A Step-by-Step Change Creation System for Building Innovative Schools and Increasing Student Learning By Dale W. Lick, Karl H. Clauset, and Carlene U. Murphy ..
On Board
With a focus on standards, coherence, and outcomes, we can realize ambitious and necessary goals This summer, I was appointed superintendent of schools in Weymouth, Mass. Si..
New Report on Investing in Professional Learning
Investing in professional learning is crucial, and even more so when implementing a high-stakes initiative such as the Common Core State Standards. That’s why Learning Forward has published a new br..
Cultural Proficiency
A student teacher recently observed a troubling interaction between two students in a 1st-grade classroom. The two students were talking as they worked on a project. One of the students said somethin..
Collaborative Culture
Supplies Paint chips in many colors, at least twice as many chips as there are participants. Paper and pencil. Striped beach ball...
Backmapping model for planning results-based professional learning
The Backmapping Model for Planning Results-Based Professional Learning describes a seven-step process for planning professional learning. Use these steps and the key questions to consider for each ste..
What We Think About Schools 2012 PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools, Phi Delta Kappa ..